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Imran: 14 years old Stateless Child

Imran, a 14-year-old stateless child who is devoted to children through education.

Hello, my name is Imran. This is my story with my friends about the Iskul Project. We decided the name of the Iskul Project before we ever started it. Iskul means "School" in Suluk, and we intend to carry out this project in a community populated by Suluk and Bajau people. So many of our Suluk and Bajau community members agreed to call the school the Iskul project. The Cahaya Alumni Club founded the Iskul Project in 2023. We observe far too many people without documentation who are unable to attend school with friends who do. We do not have any documentation, thus the Cahaya Alumni Club is proposing the establishment of a school named Projek Iskul.

The Cahaya Alumni Club will visit the community and engage in activities that will make the children who do not attend school happy. We took them singing, playing games that we brought ourselves from our school. The Cahaya Alumni Club will visit the community and engage in activities that will make the children who do not attend school happy. We took them singing and performing activities from our school. We sought for them first and spoke with them, but most of them were hesitant to talk to us because they assumed we were "crocheters" (1). But we have a buddy who lives there and knows the people, so he is the one who introduced us to them. They became used to us over time, and whenever we arrived, they would lead (2) to us. Sometimes there are also those who do not come because there is a problem.

We don't want children to think of us as teachers, but rather as friends who want to converse with them. Because we are regular individuals like them, they may have abilities that we do not.

We can learn a lot from them every time we visit, and they can learn a lot from us. In reality, we learn from one another. We both share knowledge. You may tell your friends about my experience by sharing this story with them as well.

Hai, aku Imran. Ini ceritaku bersama kawan-kawanku tentang Projek Iskul. Sebelum kami menubuhkan Projek Iskul, kami sudah memilih nama projek ini. Iskul bermaksud "Sekolah" dalam bahasa Suluk sebab kami mahu buat projek Iskul ini di kampung yang sangat banyak kaum Suluk dan Bajau. Jadi di situ banyak orang Suluk dan Bajau kami bersetuju untuk menamakan sekolah itu projek Iskul. Projek Iskul ditubuhkan pada tahun 2023 oleh Kelab Alumni Cahaya.Kami melihat di sana terlalu banyak orang yang tidak punya dokumen dan tidak boleh sekolah seperti kanak- kanak lain yang mempunyai dokumen. Kami sendiri pun tiada dokumen jadi kami (Kelab Alumni Cahaya) berbincang untuk menubuhkan satu sekolah yang bernama Projek Iskul.

Kelab Alumni Cahaya akan datang ke kampung membuat aktiviti dengan membawa kanak- kanak tanpa sekolah itu bergembira. Kami membawa mereka bernyanyi, bermain permainan yang kami bawa sendiri dari sekolah kami. Pada awalnya kami cari mereka dahulu, kami berbual tapi kebanyakannya takut untuk bercakap dengan kami kerana mereka sangka kami ini "pengait" (1). Tapi ada satu kawan kami yang tinggal di sana dan sudah biasa sama orang sana jadi dialah yang kenalkan kami kepada mereka. Lama- kelamaan mereka biasa sudah sama kami setiap kali kami datang mereka akan deluan (2) sampai dari kami. Kadang- kadang ada juga yang tidak datang sebab ada masalah. Kalau kami sampai ke sana kami akan bawa mereka berbual apa yang mereka sudah buat.

Kami semua tidak mahu mereka semua itu anggap yang kami ini cikgu, tapi sebenarnya kami mahu mereka anggap kami sebagai seorang kawan yang mahu berkawan dengan mereka dan mahu berbual dengan mereka. Sebab kami orang biasa macam mereka mungkin mereka ada kepandaian yang kami tidak pandai.

Setiap kali kami ke sana banyak yang kami dapat belajar dari mereka dan mereka pun banyak juga belajar sama kami. Sebenarnya kami itu saling belajar. Kami sama- sama berkongsi ilmu Boleh kongsikan cerita ini sama kawan- kawan kamu jadi mereka boleh tahu pasal ceritaku.


(1) Pengait - Penjenayah yang mengancam keselamatan komuniti.

(2) Deluan - Lebih awal.

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